About Nom.Com
Gluten-free Nom dot Com is meant to be a resource for folks who are new to gluten-free cooking and baking to not only learn some great recipes but also learn some of the underlying principals behind eating gluten-free that will make it easier for you to formulate your own recipes in the future.
This blog will include recipes for full meals and baked goods, articles with basic information about gluten-free cooking or cooking in general, and the occasional review of a gluten-free product that’s available on the market.
If you’re brand new to eating or cooking gluten-free, I recommend starting with my Gluten-free 101 article. If you have a friend with celiac’s coming over for dinner for the first time and you’re panicking, or if your doctor just told you gluten is off limits from now on and you’re staring at your cupboard wondering what you can eat, that’s a great place to start.
About Kella
Kella Hanna-Wayne has been gluten-free for almost ten years. A few months after she discovered that avoiding gluten resolved all her digestive issues, two of her best friends bought her a gluten-free cookbook as a Christmas present: You Won’t Believe It’s Gluten Free. Previously not much of a cook and too terrified of ovens to bake off even store-bought cookie dough, Kella quickly found a love of baking by exploring this cookbook that made gluten-free baking easy. It wasn’t long before she started fiddling with her own recipes and improving on the recipes she already had.
In the years that followed, she spent a year working for a wholesale gluten-free bakery called Tarte, and then another half a year as the manager of the baking department of a gluten-free bakery and deli called New Dawn. Friends and family employed her services baking for parties and gifts and she became known in her community as the one to go to if you needed help getting started with a gluten-free life.
Originally hoping to open a gluten-free bakery of her own one day, the direction of Kella’s life changed in 2014 when her chronic pain became debilitating. She has since embraced her new life as a self-employed disabled person who writes educational material on social justice issues on her other blog Yopp!, creative nonfiction, poetry, and gluten-free guidelines. Kella lives in Eugene, Oregon, a city filled with gluten-free options in restaurants and stores, and in her spare time, she organizes a weekly tango dance.